On Trail With

Due to the pandemic and being stuck inside we needed something to help easy our mental health. That’s how On Trail With was founded in 2020. 

What better way to heal with all the stressors in life than to be out adventuring in nature. Mother Nature provided so much tranquility for us that this is why we always advocating to help and to protect her. Once a month we dedicate our time with our On Trail With stewards to help keep our local trails clean by doing a community clean-up event. When we surround ourselves with likeminded individuals we can accomplish anything.

Our stewards are from On Trail With at the backbone of our community as they dedicate and pledge to follow one simple rule; “don’t be trashy.” With this message we can advocate and spread our message world wide because it only takes one person to start change. 
So, if you’re ever in the Los Angeles region the last Sunday of the month come and join us on a trail clean-up event with your outdoor community On Trail With. Bring your family and friends and create Moments Like These.

Why We Work Together

TBMPOY believes that we share a common vision with On Trail With, which is to protect the natural ecological environment. The beauty of nature is all around us and it is our responsibility to protect it. Unfortunately, many people don't realize how much the act of disposing of trash properly can affect our environment. If the natural ecological environment is seriously damaged then we will no longer be able to carry out such great outdoor activities as we do now.

Therefore, we unite and call on more people to join us in protecting the ecological environment of the earth and ensuring a better future for ourselves, the animals we share this planet, and future generations.

TBMPOY will sponsor OTW from time to time with and apparel made of renewable chemical fibers made of environmentally friendly materials fabrics.

OTW'S Achievements

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